February 27, 2006

merry go round

sunday morning.... wearing sunglasses.

February 25, 2006


哈,估唔到我樓下都有太極耍,我係唔係都應該參加一份呢? 你估邊個係老師?

February 20, 2006

an ordinary day

What's better than having a glass of hongkong style coffee-tea at the street stall, with the warm sunlight and a table of your own....watching the people walk by and mind wanders ?!
i don't mind sometimes being alone, just enjoy the embrance and bliss by the sun.

February 16, 2006

merry marry

我已經太久沒參與過"結婚"的事了,過去要結婚的都是親戚居多,而我從來都只因為食心態 '久不久吃喜酒‘ 的與家人出席婚宴。我的朋友則多喜獨來獨往又或同居,很少提到結婚。
A小姐留意到有人要對她行動,她在欲言又止;tt 入情網,喜悅之情不避嫌的刊登與眾同樂;遠在世界另一邊的Joa 終於把身邊人的合照傳來;June 著力準備結婚同時發現她的夢想與現實跟上一代的緊密性;lulu 於2月18日要成為葉太。
Well......而我這個旁觀者, 仍在看電影般眼碌碌頭岳岳。

February 5, 2006


Well, as you may see, i learn how to upload pictures of my daily life and share. I want to do it for long and finally i can do it la! The first set is a day in karaoke. Though i am not use to sing, especially among those who love and sing better than i do, but i do enjoy going karaoke once and awhile, watching friends turn to a "superstar" and veiwing all those new release MTV, really fun and entertaining.

February 2, 2006

seafood & mushroom risotto
